Saturday, February 13, 2010

double vision

The day came that I was hoping would not have to come for Jordan, he got his first pair of glasses. At his annual physical appointment they asked him to read the eye chart and he got it all wrong. I thought he was just fooling around, being Jordan. But turns out he was trying his best. Then the school nurse sent home a paper saying we needed to have his eyes checked. So last week he went for his exam and today we picked them up.
He kept saying that he wasn't going to wear them but once he saw how clear everything was he changed his mind! I think he looks extra cute!

Cody also got a new pair since he got his in July and by September they were broken. He looks handsome as well don't you think? Today was a milestone in another way for Cody. He bought his first Valentine's card for a girl! The little red headed girl at school! Just kidding. Don't know what color her hair is. Her name is Stephanie. Not sure I am ready for this!

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