Okay, so now I realize I have missed a couple of grateful thursdays! It wasn't that I didn't have anything to be grateful about, I just simply forgot! Today I am grateful for the simple pleasures that bring fun into our lives. This week Cody and I met up with his brother Kenny and Kenny's Mom (and my friend) Monica. We ate a good meal and then the kids wanted to go bowling. $3.75 a game these days.....yikes. Used to be a $1.50 back when Tom and I bowled. With that aside it was fun to watch them try and get spares, or get over excited when they got strikes. That was one simple pleasure. The other was getting to sit down with my friend and have a conversation about anything and everything. It's those simple joys in life that should mean the most to us. I was trying to think of times when my kids said or did something that just hit me with such fun. One particular time I remember was once when we were at Kings Family resturant not very long ago, we were all talking and out of the blue Jordan said "Mom", to which I was in the middle of eating and could not respond. So he tried again, "Mom" he said in a very sly voice, making me wonder what was coming next, "I'm not wearing any underwear"! "Want to see"? Well at that moment I just looked at him and as it processed through my head I burst into laughter. Those are the times I mean, those silly not expecting it kind of times when joy sneeks into our lives. My wish for everyone today would be that you feel that today in some way, underwear or not!