Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So friday we finished up our 180 school days! YEA Here is Cody with his "periodic Pillowcase" that was part science and part Art! Pretty neat huh? Our Evaluator came today. She sat down with each of the kids and asked them all about their school year. She took notes on everything that we did, looked over the 2, 3 inch thick binders that I have for each of them with their "samples" of school work in, Looked at all our art work, and asked about their extensive reading lists and declared that "Mom, gets an A for all your work this year"! I am so glad that is over. She'll write up a report for the school district, telling them if she thinks they got an "appropriate education", then we send everything in to the school. Take a deep breath and prepare for next year! Happy Summer!

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