Saturday, June 28, 2008

age is just a number right?

So the day Tom and I got married we said that we were going to grow old together.......and I guess that is exactly what is happening. It's kind of fun experiencing all of life's little changes with your best friend. What in the world am I talking about? Here is me after I went and picked up my new glasses today.......Bifocals!!!!!! Yes you read that right. I am experiencing one of those fun little life changes! Although Tom says that they make me look younger ( I think that's just so he has some dinner tonight! HA)


Anonymous said...

Leese, for those of us who have had glasses since grade school, they aren't a sign of aging! (So just pretend you've had to wear them for 30 years!)

They look good!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry too much about bifocals. Yet to come is more fun -- folks asking if you are eligible for the senior discount and trifocals :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club.