Tuesday, July 1, 2008

first time camper

So Sunday evening we drove up to Franklin, PA to drop off Jordan at camp. It's his very first time all by himself......No I didn't cry! Here we are making the trek up the hill to his cabin. Whew! We made it. Brad was waiting at the door to greet us. There were 2 counselors in each cabin ( with 8 boys they have to have a backup. You know in case one is tortured too badly)
Hmmmm which bunk to pick? Top or bottom? I'm not scared, I'm going for broke and taking the top bunk.
See, told you I could do it. Rolled out my bed (I wish it was that easy at home) I'm ready, bring on the fun!

We picked him up on Tuesday morning. He was busting at the gut waiting to tell us all the great stuff he did. We thought that he would have on the same underwear we dropped him off in but we got lucky this time, he showered! Although he had no socks because it rained and he wore all his. It was a super fun couple of days and he's ready to go back next year!


Anonymous said...

You are lucky he showered. The first time Doug went to camp it was for a week and he only showered once (or so he said, the ring in my tub his first day home might have indicated otherwise) Glad he had fun.

Anonymous said...

At camp we pitched our tents and went inside. It started to rain. No problem until they made us take down the tents and go back. Dumb... I had a great time at the Pittsburgh YMCA camp and did a 50 mile canoe trip. I got clean in the river mostly.