Monday, January 19, 2009

president Jordan

I thought that with the upcoming inauguration this would be a good writing assignment for Jordan "If I were president"....... Here's what it says: I would change the law around. I would make a rule that noone can buy or sell guns so people cannot kill each other. And that port authority transportation (the fliver for the elderly) sould only be 50c. I would end the war in irag and bring the souliers home to many of them are dieing. I would lower taxes for the tax payers. I would mack shore that banks do not go bankrup. I would send soldiers to fight in war cautiously. And send more doctors. I would do the best to my ability to help and protect our nation.

Out of the mouths of babes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I were president, I would give myself a pay raise, and at the same time, create more holidays.