Saturday, December 27, 2008

browns vs Steelers

My "sister" who works securtiy for the Cleveland Browns sent me an email ,that she would be traveling with the team this weekend for the big game and would I like to get together? How awesome...... They all got to downtown Pittsburgh about 4pm. Traveling by bus when they are this close. So I picked her up at the hotel and we high tailed it out of the city for some grub and catch up.
although she works for the Browns she is a huge STEELERS fan. I couldn't resist taking her picture by the logo. She also bought some black and gold smiley cookies to take back to the hotel and taunt her co workers with, one of whom is her husband!


Anonymous said...

I hope you took her to Vincent's Pizza.

Anonymous said...

Gibson would be sooo jealous. His dad & uncle grew up in Cleveland and the Browns are definitely his team.

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